woensdag 2 december 2009

samenvatting van film boot kaping:

Datum woensdag 18-11-2009.

This story is about a hijack from a Spanish fish booth, the name from this booth is ‘’ alakrana‘’. In Spain it was big news and very worrying under the people because the thinking that the hijackers will kill the people from the booth. On board are 36 peopling that working on the booth and they are all caught.

The hijackers from the country Somalia and they requirements a big ransom namely amount from 3 million. The main hijacker his is in Somalia and his workers working from him namely hijacking people.

The prime minister from Spain he gives a speech about this subject and he say he makes his very worry.
He has negotiated with the hijackers for the release from the Spanish people.
After much negotiated they have a solution namely they Spanish government they pay the hijackers an amount from 3 million and the hijacked people they came free.
After the transfer from the money to the hijackers are the people that are abducted free and the people in Spain are very happened from this event.
There are a few men’s be arrested by the Spanish military (government people) and the are come to the court.

Eigen mening over het artikel:

I have looking from this video and read the article and I can say its not so good what the people are doing, they are killing people and they rob people.
I find that the government has good acted because the kidnapped people are free and there are no deaths.

About the money to the hijackers I think about this subject that one not giving money to these criminals that will kill people.
On this way the criminals they thinking it’s a good way because we can deserve much money it’s easy.
In my situation I give these criminals not the money but a big punishment

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