woensdag 2 december 2009

Een samenvatting verkiezingen in Afghanistan:

Datum woensdag 04-11-2009.

This story is about the elections on Afghanistan. In that country are many problems like corruption and the Taliban and the crime, in other words a lot of things.
The elections are held about the holy country. In the capital Kabul are the most votes and there are the most people to have voted.

There are any problems namely that there is fraud in that country. Now the presidential candidates are blaming each other for the situation.
There are a lot of fights on street and arsons, that’s because the people they are not satisfied.
The countries America and Britain they’re happened for Mister Hamid Karzai because they have a good contact wit him. The presidential candidate Abdulah he say that the elections are misleading and that the people them vote to must to heard in Afghanistan and the holy world because it’s not fair.

After many attempts from mister Abullah to do a new electoral system introduce, is he stops from this and the new president are automatic mister Hamid Karzai, because that is the system in Afghanistan.

Eigen mening over het artikel:

The country Afghanistan I read a lot about that and I can say that country had early many problems with the corruption and oppress woman.
I think that the dominant countries work together to help Afghanistan because else that country further in the problems.
An example from this help is the criminality and the corruption in that country because this 2 examples are a big problem and there we must to work together to stop this.
Also the women oppression must to stop as soon as possible, because in that country the women she doesn’t have to say anything, that’s not normally.
These are the points where I think they need more attention.

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