woensdag 2 december 2009

samenvatting van film boot kaping:

Datum woensdag 18-11-2009.

This story is about a hijack from a Spanish fish booth, the name from this booth is ‘’ alakrana‘’. In Spain it was big news and very worrying under the people because the thinking that the hijackers will kill the people from the booth. On board are 36 peopling that working on the booth and they are all caught.

The hijackers from the country Somalia and they requirements a big ransom namely amount from 3 million. The main hijacker his is in Somalia and his workers working from him namely hijacking people.

The prime minister from Spain he gives a speech about this subject and he say he makes his very worry.
He has negotiated with the hijackers for the release from the Spanish people.
After much negotiated they have a solution namely they Spanish government they pay the hijackers an amount from 3 million and the hijacked people they came free.
After the transfer from the money to the hijackers are the people that are abducted free and the people in Spain are very happened from this event.
There are a few men’s be arrested by the Spanish military (government people) and the are come to the court.

Eigen mening over het artikel:

I have looking from this video and read the article and I can say its not so good what the people are doing, they are killing people and they rob people.
I find that the government has good acted because the kidnapped people are free and there are no deaths.

About the money to the hijackers I think about this subject that one not giving money to these criminals that will kill people.
On this way the criminals they thinking it’s a good way because we can deserve much money it’s easy.
In my situation I give these criminals not the money but a big punishment

Een samenvatting van het verhaal tsunami:

Datum woensdag 07-10-2009.

There is in America a big disaster happened.
It was a tsunami in the places islands and Samao. Everything is broken and a lot of people the are dead. It was a very strong / shake violently namely the strength was 8.3 on the richer.

A lot of homes and ways the are not useful for the people. Homes are flooded en ways also. The quake was very early in the morning and a lot of people the are sleeping on there house.
Many other cities had an earthquake in the morning and there was much damage. The cities affected are Samoan Island and Pago Pago,

The hospitals are very full with people that had suffered from their health.
At least 82 people were dead in a villages were destroyed and people the say / the have seen that the ways and the streets filled with corpses.

In Washington was the blow hard to the government and president barack obama say that he is going to the disaster area and he promised his people that he will to help them with money and with stuff. .

Eigen mening over het artikel:

When I rule the article I was very surprised what happened there in America.
It is a big disaster what happen there.
I think the whole world must to send money from this people because they need it very hard and the other countries also.

It is sad that there many people dead; there are a lot of young people and old people. What I wonder is why is America always the doomed with the tsunamis and other disasters like earthquakes??
We (the people in Europe) they don’t have burden of earthquakes.

That was what I wondered about this, is it because the people they are very sinful on earth.
I don’t know were this come from!!

samenv van film verkiezingen in Irak:

Datum woensdag 18-11-2009.

In the county Iraq there are elections, the people they may to choose a parliamentarian.
This is a big moment in this country because it was newer a free democracy under the previous rulers.
It’s a good progress from this because it’s a step closer to the future.

The American president and a lot of government they praise the prime Minister of Iraq because they listen to the own people and that is a good something.
Despite the attacks from the agitators to the people and the people from the government they will nothing reach in this life because they are murderers.
There are a lot of bombings including in Kirkuk. The self murders the want to frighten people that the not votes.

In the parliamentary they are also women’s and they participate to the elections.
That’s a good point for the future because a women is a important thing.

Eigen mening over het artikel:

I have looking from this video and it was a good things because it happened me that in Iraq the democracy made claims. In a lot of countries there is not the freedom to speak openly and that’s not a good thing.

Regard the self murders they are agitators, the want to scare the people and I will to say we must to fight this people because they murdered a lot of people like babies and old people, it’s a terrible something.
I will to say to the government people ‘’ do your best for the people from Iraq because they have a lot of things experienced’’.

Een samenvatting verkiezingen in Afghanistan:

Datum woensdag 04-11-2009.

This story is about the elections on Afghanistan. In that country are many problems like corruption and the Taliban and the crime, in other words a lot of things.
The elections are held about the holy country. In the capital Kabul are the most votes and there are the most people to have voted.

There are any problems namely that there is fraud in that country. Now the presidential candidates are blaming each other for the situation.
There are a lot of fights on street and arsons, that’s because the people they are not satisfied.
The countries America and Britain they’re happened for Mister Hamid Karzai because they have a good contact wit him. The presidential candidate Abdulah he say that the elections are misleading and that the people them vote to must to heard in Afghanistan and the holy world because it’s not fair.

After many attempts from mister Abullah to do a new electoral system introduce, is he stops from this and the new president are automatic mister Hamid Karzai, because that is the system in Afghanistan.

Eigen mening over het artikel:

The country Afghanistan I read a lot about that and I can say that country had early many problems with the corruption and oppress woman.
I think that the dominant countries work together to help Afghanistan because else that country further in the problems.
An example from this help is the criminality and the corruption in that country because this 2 examples are a big problem and there we must to work together to stop this.
Also the women oppression must to stop as soon as possible, because in that country the women she doesn’t have to say anything, that’s not normally.
These are the points where I think they need more attention.

Een samenvatting van het verhaal s‘werelds grote boot:

Datum woensdag 07-10-2009.
Mister Roman Abromavisch is a men with a lot of money.
This men works in the world from oil and industry, he has bought a big booth, the name of this is’’ the Eclipse’’ (the most largest yacht).

This booth has al lot of things on board. A good example is that the booth has two swimming’s pools and 2 helipads on board.
This booth has a system that very important is for the privacy. It’s a anti paparazzi system, maybe you as reader thinks what is that for a system?.

Now it is a system that when people will makes photos from this big booth than the system will ensure lasers from the photo camera of this man or woman and than it’s not to use.
It’s like to the star wars but this system is very real. So there is a little possibility for a make photos.

Eigen mening over het artikel:

What I think about this article that it’s very good from mister Roman Abromavisch, because it’s his booth and If he want privacy than is this system very good for him and his booth.
But I say as it’s danger for the welfare of a people then it’s not a good system because a lifetime is very important, it’s is number one.

There are a lot of things on the booth were I think so that is very luxury, that is not a problem for my because one time in the year I can use it.
I will say I’m very toward about food waste, this is because I know that a lot of people in the world the don’t have food; therefore we must to use our food and not to squander.